ZARA airfield photograph by SAAF 16 sqdn 1945

 11 March 1945: ZARA (ZADAR)  Allied airfield

B-17's and B-24's visible: emergency venue for damaged aircraft to land before crossing the Adriatic

Position of the airstrip near ZADAR today, images thanks to Sime Lisica who lives in ZADAR

Below photographs taken at ZARA air strip sent to me by Sime Lisica but copy right IWM besides non-commercial use:

45 3 11 Hawker Hurricane Mark IVs of No. 351 (Yugoslav) Squadron RAF at Prkos

45 3 11 Hurricane Mark IV, KZ188 --C--, of No. 6 Squadron RAF PRKOS

45 3 11 Spitfire LF Mark VIII of No. 253 Squadron RAF

45 3 11 Spitfire Mark IXs of No. 73 Squadron

45 3 11 Supermarine Spitfire Mark IXs of No. 73 Sq..

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